281. The SAGE handbook of the sociology of religion
Author: \ edited by James A. Beckford and N.J. Demerath III
Library: Library of Foreign Languages and Islamic Sources (Qom)
Subject: Religion and sociology,دین و جامعهشناسی,a01,a01
Classification :

282. The SAGE handbook of the sociology of religion
Author: edited by James A. Beckford and N.J. Demerath III
Library: Special Library of University of Religions (Qom)
Subject: ، Religion and sociology
Classification :

283. The anthropology of space and place :
Author: edited by Setha M. Low and Denise Lawrence-Zúñiga.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Human geography.,Human territoriality.,Open spaces.,Personal space.,Public spaces.,Spatial behavior.,Comportement spatial,Espace personnel,Espaces publics,Espaces verts,Géographie culturelle,Territorialité humaine,74.06 thematic geography: general.,Aufsatzsammlung,Aufsatzsammlung.,Human geography.,Human territoriality.,Open spaces.,Openbare ruimte.,Personal space.,Persoonlijke ruimte.,Public spaces.,Raumverhalten,Raumverhalten.,Ruimtelijke structuur.,Sociale geografie.,Spatial behavior.,Territorialität,Territorialität.,Territoriumgedrag.
Classification :

284. The apology for Raymond Sebond / Michel de Montaigne -- The new Organon / Francis Bacon -- Letter to the Grand Duchess Christina and The Assayer / Galileo Galilei -- Discourse on the method of rightly conducting the reason and Seeking for truth in the sciences / René Descartes -- Leviathan / Thomas Hobbes -- Mathematical principles of natural philosophy / Isaac Newton -- The meditations on First philosophy / René Descartes -- The second set of objections with replies / René Descartes -- The third set of objections with replies / René Descartes -- The fourth set of objections with replies / René Descartes -- The fifth set of objections with replies / René Descartes -- Letters to and from Princess Elizabeth of Bohemia -- Pensées / Blaise Pascal -- The ethics / Benedict Spinoza -- The search after truth / Nicolas Malebranche -- Discourse on metaphysics / G. W. F. Leibniz -- The theodicy : abridgement of the argument / G. W. F. Leibniz -- The monadology / G. W. F. Leibniz -- The prince / Niccolò Machiavelli -- Leviathan / Thomas Hobbes -- On the duty of man and citizen / Samuel Pufendorf. 0
Author: edited by A.P. Martinich ; with Fritz Allhoff and Anand Jayprakash Vaidya.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

285. The essential Jefferson /
Author: edited, with an introduction, by Jean M. Yarbrough.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: United States -- Politics and government -- 1775-1783 -- Sources.,United States -- Politics and government -- 1783-1809 -- Sources.,Virginia -- Politics and government -- 1775-1865 -- Sources.,Politics and government,Politieke ideeën.,United States, Politics and government, 1775-1783, Sources.,United States, Politics and government, 1783-1809, Sources.,Virginia, Politics and government, 1775-1865, Sources.,United States.,Virginia., 0, 0, 0, 7, 7
Classification :

286. The fashion forecasters :
Author: edited by Regina Lee Blaszczyk and Ben Wubs.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Clothing trade-- Forecasting.,Fashion-- Forecasting.,Beauty and Fashion.,Beauty and Fashion.,Clothing trade-- Forecasting.,Fashion-- Forecasting.,FashionClothing tradeFashionClothing trade-- Forecasting.-- Forecasting.-- Forecasting.-- Forecasting..
Classification :

287. The measurement of household welfare /
Author: edited by Richard Blundell, Ian Preston, and Ian Walker.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Home economics-- Mathematical models.,Households-- Economic conditions-- Mathematical models.,Welfare economics-- Mathematical models.,Économie domestique-- Modèles mathématiques.,Économie du bien-être-- Modèles mathématiques.,Home economics-- Mathematical models.,Home economics-- Mathematical models.,Households-- Economic aspects-- Mathematical models.,Huishoudingen.,Ménages-- Conditions économiques-- Modèles mathématiques.,Modèles mathématiques.,Welfare economics-- Mathematical models.,Welfare economics-- Mathematical models.,Welvaartseconomie.,Wiskundige modellen.
Classification :

288. The traditional problem of evil: suffering and evil actions -- Another problem of evil: divine hiddenness -- Miracles as a problem of evil -- The ignorance defense -- Identifying, interpreting, and certifying revelation -- Should God's power be understood as omnipotence? -- A process Christian theism and the problems of evil. 0
Author: James A. Keller.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

289. Tropical forests of the Guiana Shield :
Author: edited by D.S. Hammond.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Natural history-- Guiana Highlands.,Rain forest ecology-- Guiana Highlands.,Rain forests-- Guiana Highlands.,Archaeology.,Climate.,Cycling.,Fauna.,Flora.,Forests.,Geology.,History.,Hydrology.,Land use.,Life history.,Natural history.,Plants.,Rain forest ecology.,Rain forests.,SCIENCE-- Life Sciences-- Biological Diversity.,Soil.,Tropical forests.,Wildlife conservation.,Wildlife management.,Guiana Highlands.,South America, Guiana Highlands., 0, 7
Classification :

290. U162
Author: by Michael Howard and Robert Hunter.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

291. Washington, D.C. :
Author: Joachim Radkau ; translated by Thomas Dunlap.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

292. When is the nation? :
Author: edited by Atsuko Ichijo and Gordana Uzelac.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Nationalism.,Nationalisme.,Fallstudiensammlung,Nationalism.,Nationalism.,Nationalisme.,Nationalismus,Theorie
Classification :

293. Working to be someone
Author: edited by Beatrice Hungerland ... [et al].
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Child labor, Case studies.

294. Worlding America :
Author: edited and with an introduction and critical notes by Oliver Scheiding and Martin Seidl
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: America, Literatures, 17th century,America, Literatures, 18th century, 0, 0
Classification :

297. f-sultanmuhamad,TD195.E4
Author: 20090530 0,Michael Grubb, Tooraj Jamasb, Michael G. Pollitt.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

299. pt. I. Perspective : legislative role of the judge and human rights law. Legislative role of the judge : a vital force in the life of the law ; Relationship between human rights and international law : principle of human dignity versus principle of state sovereignty -- pt. II. The development of human rights law by the International Court of Justice : contentious cases. Corfu Channel case (United Kingdom v Albania) (1947-1949) ; South West Africa cases (Ethiopia v South Africa ; Liberia v South Africa) : violation of human rights law led to formation of human rights law (1960-1966) ; Barcelona Traction, Light and Power Company, Limited (new application : 1962) case (Belgium v Spain) (1962-70) ; United States diplomatic and consular staff in Tehran case (USA v Iran) (1979-1981) ; Military and paramilitary activities in and against Nicaragua case (Nicaragua v USA) (1984-1991) ; East Timor case (Portugal v Australia) (1991-1994): human rights versus state sovereignty (1991-1994) ; Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide case (Bosnia and Herzegovia v Serbia Montenegro) (1993- ) : prohibition of genocide as jus cogens ; Legality of use of force cases (Yugoslavia v Belgium; Yugoslavia v Canada; Yugoslavia v France ; Yugoslavia v Germant ; Yugoslavia v Italy ; Yugoslavia v Netherlands ; Yugoslavia v Portugal ; Yugoslavia v Spain ; Yugoslavia v UK ; Yugoslavia v USA) (1999- ) ; Arrest warrant of 11 April 2000 (Democratic Republic of the Congo v Belgium) : an analysis of human dignity of the people, for the people, by the people (2000-2002) ; Vienna Convention on Consular Relations cases (1998-2004) : the Convention does create individual rights -- pt. III. The development of human rights law by the International Court of Justice : advisory cases. International status of South West Africa case (1949-1950) : the principle of sacred trust of civilization ; Reservations to the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide case (1950-1951) ; Legal consequences for states of the continued presence of
Author: Shiv R.S. Bedi.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)